Hi, I'm Harrie.
I am a junior front end developer and graphic designer specialising in accessibility, reliability and creativity.
Take a look at what I have to offer, and get in touch if I can help with your next web app project.
Get in touchI specialise in front-end development, working with javascript frameworks.
Click below to take a look through my portfolio
An app providing DIY tutorials as an antidote for the cost of living crisis
Ruby on Rails, Stimulus, Sass, Postgresql
Hire a Meeseek for whatever you need. But don't make him live too long...Existence is pain!
Ruby on Rails, Stimulus, Sass, Postgresql
A website to promote a new green isa, for customers to invest in green infrastructure
HTML, CSS, Javascript
Ruby on Rails, Stimulus, Sass, Postgresql
Ruby on Rails, Stimulus, Sass, Postgresql
HTML, CSS, Javascript
Wordpress, CSS
You can drop me a line using this form, or connect with me on linkedin